Boost Your Pet's Health with Probiotics: Unveiling the Numerous Benefits
Even as devoted pet owners who constantly strive to provide the best care for our furry companions, there are bound to be aspects of our pet’s health that we miss out on. In this article, we talk about probiotics—the supplements that contain good bacteria essential for maintaining a healthy gut microbiome—and the role they play in bolstering your pet’s health.
1. Minimise Microbiome Disruption and Reduce Gastrointestinal Issues
The microbiome refers to the diverse community of microorganisms that reside in our pet’s gastrointestinal tract. It can be easily disrupted by various factors such as stress, dietary changes, medications, or illnesses, which can lead to digestive issues and a weakened immune system.
In order to maintain a healthy digestive system, it is crucial to keep the gut’s microbiome health regulated. And that’s what pet probiotics do. When introduced into your pet’s guts, they deliver beneficial strains of bacteria to crowd out harmful bacteria, restore balance to their gut, promote a healthier gut lining, as well as improve the digestion process by aiding in the breakdown and absorption of nutrients from food. This minimises microbiome disruption, strengthens gastrointestinal health, and reduces the risk of gut health problems developing in your pet.
2. Promote Nutrient Production
Probiotics work wonders in providing your pet’s body with the nutrients it needs. Not only do they contribute to better nutrient absorption by breaking down complex food molecules, they also influence nutrient synthesis and the production of short-chain fatty acids, which have anti-inflammatory properties and can help improve overall well-being by regulating the immune system.
They break down macronutrients like carbohydrates and proteins into simpler forms that are easier for the body to absorb, ensuring that your pet can extract the maximum nutritional value from their food. Some probiotic strains even have the ability to synthesise essential B-complex vitamins within the gut, which are critical for various metabolic processes, including energy production, immune function, and the maintenance of healthy skin and coat.
3. Eliminate Toxins from the Body
Toxins are harmful substances that can enter and accumulate in a pet’s body to cause a range of health issues including gastrointestinal problems, liver damage, and weakened immune function.
Probiotics work to eliminate them from your pet’s body in the following ways:
- Compete with harmful bacteria for space and resources in the gut to prevent them from establishing themselves and producing toxins.
- Produce antibacterial substances that can directly inhibit the growth and activity of harmful bacteria.
- Regulate and improve gut mobility to ensure the timely elimination of waste and toxins from the body, preventing their reabsorption into the bloodstream.
- Produce enzymes that can break down and neutralise specific toxins, making them less harmful to your pet.
4. Positively Influence Mood and Reduce Stress-Related Behaviours
Did you know that there is a connection between your pet’s central nervous system and the gut microbiota?
Some of the bacteria in their gut can communicate with their brain through various pathways and impact their mood and behaviour. They can produce neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, and modulate the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, which is responsible for the body's stress response. These functions aid in mood and behaviour improvement, helping to reduce stress and its associated behaviours including anxiety and destructive tendencies.
5. Prevent Periodontal Disease
Periodontal disease in pets, commonly known as gum disease, occurs when there is an overaccumulation of plaque and tartar on your pet’s teeth. If left unaddressed, this buildup may progress to more severe stages and even cause health issues like heart disease and kidney problems.
Learn More: Tell-Tale Signs of Pet Dental Diseases
Many pet dental care products containing probiotics can help to introduce beneficial bacteria into the mouth to restore the microbial balance and combat harmful bacteria in the oral cavity. If your pet is currently battling any oral health issues, probiotics are also helpful in reducing inflammation in the gums to promote healing and prevent any progression of the disease.
If you’re looking for a pet dental care product formulated with probiotics, the Jean-Paul Natural Probiotic Dental Paste is an excellent choice. It contains Enterococcus Faecalis and Lactobacillus Plantarum to increase gut prebiotic production and improve oral health, as well as activated charcoal to help lighten stains and improve bad breath.
Surprised by the numerous benefits of probiotics? You can give your pet’s health a boost today with the Jean-Paul Superbiolite Oral Paste and ImmunoXT Prebiotic Gel too! Simply mix them into your pet’s food to introduce a number of nutrients and good bacteria into their body.
The Superbiolite Oral Paste contains chelated magnesium to help regulate bowel muscle function and kaolin to maintain a healthy digestive system, while the ImmunoXT Prebiotic Gel aids in the repair of intestinal lining.
Looking for other pet health products? Pet Health Global is a wholesale pet supplies distributor in Singapore that offers a variety of dog probiotics, hypoallergenic pet foods and pet supplements that will help fortify your pet’s health. Shop them here.