About Pet Health Global
More than just pet supplements. The only comprehensive veterinary-formulated nutraceutical in Singapore.
Pet Health Global is a leading pet supplies distributor that provides solutions for the holistic management of companion animal’s health and wellness including dental care products, eye drops and oral supplements in Singapore. We research and develop safe, effective, and affordable human grade nutraceuticals for your family pets under the brand, Jean-Paul Nutraceuticals.
Through painstaking research and over 40 years of experience as a wholesale pet supplies distributor in Singapore, our founder Dr Ly has formulated a range of products such as pet immune boosters and Rx Diet supplement to improve your pet’s digestive health, heart health, joint, and skin and coat condition. We use only the highest grade of natural ingredients that deliver the wisdom of nature to relieve suffering from a variety of conditions.
Our nutraceuticals are uniquely and specifically formulated blends without excessive fillers, flavours, and artificial colouring to promote optimal companion animal health. All our products are produced in GMP manufacturing plants, meaning that the same safety and quality controls that are placed on your medicines are placed on your companion animal’s supplements as well. We pride ourselves on this aspect as we view our animal companions as an integral and valuable part of our families.
In addition, we also partner with trusted brands to conduct clinical trials and distribute their products with the aim of improving the overall health of animals.
Our Founder – Dr. Jean-Paul Ly
BSVc. (Sydney), Dip Ed (Sydney), Dip. Clinical Nutrition (Sydney), Dip Bible Studies, Cert. Counselling
Dr Jean-Paul Ly’s skills and passion for animals of all species and sizes has seen his work extend from Australia across Asia in a remarkable forty-year career.
The willingness to explore alternative treatment methods, whilst maintaining the same rigorous and evidentiary based approach to medicine, has allowed Dr Ly to think “outside of the box”. Such forward thinking saw Dr Ly question the impact of daily nutrition in both the treatment of ill animals, as well as their overall well being. He believes that pet supplements such as RX diet, pet dental care products, immune booster and pet eye drops must be formulated naturally with no artificial ingredients to ensure the safety and efficacy of each product.
Dr Ly graduated from the International College of Nutritional Science (Sydney) with a Diploma in Clinical Nutrition. Hundreds of thousands of pets have benefited from this through Dr Ly’s creation of Addiction Pet Foods, a range of organic, balanced and hypoallergenic foods as well as the other food supplements under the Jean-Paul Nutraceuticals name.
The latest development from Dr Ly comes in the form of Pet Health Global and Jean-Paul Nutraceuticals. These are clinically proven products, made to the same standard as those for human use. They are aimed at providing a vital, yet convenient method of addressing deficiencies in pet diets, as well as increasing their overall health and well being.